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- CSC EventsConferences, seminars, and webinars on science, intelligent design, and culture.Intelligent Design
- Science UprisingUnmasking materialism, from AI to the Multiverse.Intelligent Design
- ID the FutureA podcast providing you with the most current news and views on evolution and ID.Intelligent Design
- Evolution NewsDaily news and analysis on evolution, intelligent design, and science.Intelligent Design
- Bio-ComplexityA peer-reviewed scientific journal testing the scientific merit of intelligent design.Intelligent Design
- Intelligent DesignIntroductory, intermediate, and advanced materials on intelligent design.Intelligent Design
- Stephen C. MeyerThe latest books, articles, and videos from Stephen Meyer.Intelligent Design
- Free ScienceStories of suppressed scientists and advocating for academic freedomIntelligent Design
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Scientists and Scholars
- John G. WestWebsite of author, filmmaker, and cultural commentator.Intelligent Design
- Marcos Eberlin (Portuguese)Mass spectrometrist, senior fellow, and director of Discovery-Mackenzie Research Center in São Paulo.Intelligent Design
- CSC FellowsDirectory of profiles and works by affiliates of Discovery Institutes's Center for Science and Culture.Intelligent Design
- Guenter Albrecht-BuehlerResearch on cell intelligence and the genome.Intelligent Design
- Bill DembskiBlog of noted mathematician, philosopher, and intelligent design theorist.Intelligent Design
- Jonathan WellsResources and writing from the famous iconoclast.Intelligent Design
- Christopher LanganTeleologic evolution and meta level analysis.Intelligent Design
- Sean D. PitmanThe Emperor Has No Clothes. Naturalism and The Theory of Evolution.Intelligent Design
- Casey LuskinThe latest books, articles, and videos from Casey LuskinIntelligent Design
- David BerlinskiVia Paris, inferences from the writer, thinker, and raconteur.Intelligent Design
- Stephen C. MeyerThe latest books, articles, and videos from Stephen Meyer.Intelligent Design
- Michael BeheThe [r]evolutionary biologist on complexity, limitations, and devolution Intelligent Design
- Richard SternbergResearch and publications of evolutionary biologist at the center of Smithsonian controversy.Intelligent Design
- Richard WeikartCourageous Historian of Europe, Germany, Darwin, and Hitler.Intelligent Design
- Günter BechlyObservations of a paleontologist, dragonfly expert, and nature enthusiast.Intelligent Design
- Darwin’s PredictionsEvaluating 22 fundamental predictions of evolutionary theory. Intelligent Design
- Darwin’s GodHow religion drives science and why it matters.Intelligent Design
- Diseño Inteligente (Spanish)Spanish translations of select articles from Evolution News.Intelligent Design
- Design Inteligente (Portuguese)Seguir as evidências aonde quer que elas levem.Intelligent Design
- Evolution NewsDaily news and analysis on evolution, intelligent design, and science.Intelligent Design
- Bio-ComplexityA peer-reviewed scientific journal testing the scientific merit of intelligent design.Intelligent Design
- InferenceA journal and international review of science.Intelligent Design
Books and Film
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Video and Multimedia
- The Magician’s TwinC.S. Lewis and the Case against Scientism.CS Lewis
- ARN ChannelYouTube Channel from the Access Research NetworkIntelligent Design
- Science and GodA series on science and God in PragerU's popular, digestible format.Intelligent Design
- Uncommon Knowledge RoundtablesConversations with Peter Robinson of the Hoover Institution.Intelligent Design
- ExpelledNo Intelligence AllowedIntelligent Design
- The Paradigm ProjectKutter Callaway investigates recent developments in the origin and evolution of life.Intelligent Design
- Illustra MediaDocumenting the scientific case for design and limitations of blind processes.Intelligent Design
- Secrets of the CellMichael Behe explores the building blocks of life.Intelligent Design
- Human ZoosA horrific story of dehumanization in the name of science.Intelligent Design
- CSC at YouTubeIntelligent Design
- Science UprisingUnmasking materialism, from AI to the Multiverse.Intelligent Design
- RevolutionaryThe story of biochemist Michael Behe and the revolution he helped spark.Intelligent Design